Retain and Recharge Your Talented Team

Put your Title II funds to work with effective professional learning.
Address today's challenges and support your team's career growth.

Ready to Plan?

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Attend a webinar



Build Your Team's Capacity and Professional Growth

Dynamic, interactive learning with peers helps your educators put their professional learning into action. Transform your team's practice with our ASCD Empower Title II-Eligible Professional Development Services package:

  • Two hands-on, dynamic, collaborative on-site sessions, supported by
  • 10 hours of virtual coaching that can be used for the continuation of the 2 on-site sessions or in between each on-site day.

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Get Expert Guidance on How to Apply Title II Funds

ASCD faculty will support your professional development plan to maximize spending time-sensitive federal Title II funds on the issues that are most relevant to your educators.

Learn more in our FREE webinar!

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Trusted by These Educators

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Align Professional Learning to Your Most Pressing Issues and Meet Title II Funding Requirements

Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management

Develop emerging leaders. Strengthen collaboration. Refine your vision. Empower your teachers and leaders with agency in their professional growth as they develop confidence, improve practices, and feel well prepared for their role. Focus on the whole educator and support an environment that encourages balance, self-care, and the well-being of students, educators, and the larger school community.

Technology in Education

Technology in Education

Prepare your teachers and leaders to navigate emerging technology, like AI/ChatGP. In-depth guidance on effective classroom integration helps improve teaching and learning. Support better use of data to drive all aspects of education practice to improve student achievement.

Whole Child

Whole Child

Build a community where every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported.

Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum and Instruction

Create learning environments where students develop the skills essential for learning readiness and academic success. Bridge gaps and drive achievement with instructional leadership and design.
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Discover Witsby™

Foster agency and personal growth for your educators with ASCD's Next-Generation Professional Learning and Credentialing Platform. Witsby is a mobile-optimized professional learning platform that is modernizing how educators learn, lead, and thrive.

Get to know Witsby